
# ThatSetLife
HBAu & BDP Entertainment Group (BDPeG) are helping build futures in the arts, media, entertainment, sports and technology (FAMEStech) by offering work-based on-the-job training (OJT) programs and entrepreneurial training to youth (ages 16 to 24) and marginalized people from disinvested communities. We collaborate with various local workforce agencies, to include but not limited to Youth @ Work, AJCCs, California Jobs First, etc., and soon we will be collaborating with local school districts, colleges and various technical/Adult schools here in Los Angeles County.
We are always looking to collaborate with other business, agencies and individuals to uplift our youth within the digital entertainment space. If you would like to work with us, please reach out and one of our representatives will contact you back.

We are partnered with local community-based organizations (CBO), to include: BDP Entertainment Group (BDPeG), BlackwellTh Company (BwC), and the HPA/BTA, Digital Pathways Initiatives, and others to offer career development pathways initiative, offering classes (some hybrid), workshops and on-the-job training (OJT) in various locations across Los Angeles county.
HBAu is dedicated to service
HBAu, through one of our partners, has been offering internships and work-based training to youth trying to build Futures in Arts, Media, Entertainment, Sports and Technology (FAMEStech) since 2005. Throughout the years we have been empowering talented individuals (youth between ages 16 and 24) to find sustainable careers within the entertainment industry, especially for marginalized voices (women, people of color, lgbtq+, vets, and persons with disabilities, etc.) from disinvested communities.
HBAu OJT (on-the-job training) Programs
Hollywood Production Assistant Program
(HPAp) internships & pre-apprenticeships
1. Digital Media Production Assistant (DMPA)
2. Digital Production Management Assistant (DPMA)
3. Performing Arts Teaching Assistant (PATA)
Re/e Key OJT Program
(re/entry Key to on-the-job training)
The Re/e Key OJT Program is designed to assist justice involved
youth and persons aging out of foster care system re/integrate
into society and the workforce through pre/apprenticeships,
offered both online and in-person.
FAMEStech Apprenticeship Program
HBAu and our partners are helping to build & grow
Futures in Arts, Media, Entertainment, Sports and
Technology through our work based training in:
Content Creator
Project Management Assistant in digital media
Teaching Artists
Youth Arts & Business Programs
(k-12 after-school / after-the-bell)
(Innovative City Youth Performing Arts, Digital Media & Sports)
(Youth in Show Business)
More programs to come. Please check back or request our programs pamphlet below.

S. Michelle Blackwell,
Programs Director
S. Michelle is a true Teaching Artist who has been a working Creative in the arts, media and entertainment (AME) space for 15+ years.
Click here for more info.

Ptah S. Lyons,
Digital Programs Manager
Ptah has over 15 years of experience as a video editor, animator, filmmaker who has worked on various projects across different industries.
Click here for more info.

Allahna Shabaf,
Programs Assistant
Allahna is a recent graduate of the music & arts program at one of California's State Universities, has an interest in film scoring & wardrobe.